Notes: Friendship Album, 1933: Episode 33

In Episode 33, Dorothy tries to keep her temper around her stubborn son-in-law — and discovers an unlikely ally in the process.

One of the things we learn in this chapter is that Jasper’s father was a high school graduate. In researching secondary education for African Americans in Ohio, I learned that black students  in Columbus were first admitted to previously all-white high schools in 1874; by 1882 all Columbus schools were integrated. I discovered that high school graduation rates were pretty low in the late 1800s–not just for African Americans, but for everyone. Graduation from high school wasn’t a national norm until the 1950s. In fact, in 1900, only six percent of the U.S. population had a high school degree!

I looked far and wide to find a picture of an integrated 19th century school, but I couldn’t. I did, however find this photo from a 1930s African American high school that I thought was interesting. I wish they still made high schools that looked this grand!

If you’re keeping score at home, we only have six chapters left after this one! I can’t believe our story is almost coming to a close. I’m not really ready to let it go; are you?
