Over on Facebook, we’re having a lot of fun in the Quiltfiction Club, Quiltfiction’s closed group (which I encourage you to join!). On Wednesdays we have a virtual bee, where we all chat and share recipes and quilt pictures, and everyone is invited to participate in a themed show and tell. We’ve shared pictures of our vintage sewing machines, pin cushions, and most recently sewing boxes and baskets.
Several weeks ago, one of our members, Marie, offered to write up the minutes of our weekly meetings. Much to our delight, she did so in character, writing an overview of each bee as though she were Emma Grangerfield’s granddaughter, Emma, owner of a quilt shop in Milton Falls. With Marie’s permission, I’ve decided to share her weekly column here. Enjoy!
From: “Quilt Along With Emma G,” an online offering at miltonfallsgazette.com
I am sad to report that earlier this week a good friend of mine and fellow quilter succumbed to the scourge known as breast cancer. In Ms. Mae’s memory, I strongly urge all of my readers to keep up with regular checkups. If something doesn’t look or feel right please don’t hesitate and see your doctor right away.
What a whirlwind of a week here in Milton Falls! The Milton Falls Quilting Company shop was busier than usual this week as quilters from all around stocked up on fabric, kits, patterns, and notions to keep them busy during the Superbowl. I love a busy week as it is not only good for business, but it is also balm for my mind and soul.
Also, I do have to apologize to you dear readers for the lateness of this article. Computers and power outages just simply do not mix!
This week the Quiltfiction Club met at the home of club president Frances. What a warm, inviting, cozy place to share and sew! Several new members have joined the ranks in recent days and the club is so happy to have them.
This week’s show and tell featured vintage sewing baskets. One of the most interesting sewing boxes was shown by Kelly. The box belonged to her husband’s step-grandmother who is of Japanese descent. The box was originally designed for crafting kimono’s and had special slots for necessary items. Several other baskets and very interesting vintage notions were shared and enjoyed by all members.
Susan shared a beautiful nine-patch quilt that was given to her grandmother in 1936 as a wedding gift. The quilt was lovingly crafted out of feed sacks. During that time period, feed mills started using floral print material for their feed sacks as they knew frugal homemakers used them for clothing, bedding, and other necessities during a bleak time in history.

After the show and tell, Nonnie shared an article that posed the question, is it still important to teach children to sew? The resounding answer from the group was a hearty YES. It is important that children learn basic skills and sewing is one of them. If you have children that want to learn sewing skills there are great organizations such as 4-H and civic groups that offer tutorials.
This week’s recipe is sure to keep your families warm on what seems to be endless winter evenings. Also, trust me; a slow cooker is a quilter’s best friend!
Slow Cooker Chicken & Biscuits
2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1 inch cubes
2 cups of broccoli florets
2 carrots diced
2 cans cream of chicken soup, undiluted
1 tube of large biscuits, grands style
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large slow cooker, mix raw chicken, broccoli florets, carrots, cream of chicken soup, salt and pepper. Cook on high for 3 hours. After 3 hours, stir the chicken and vegetable mixture. Open the tube of biscuits and tear the dough into small pieces and place on top of the chicken and vegetable mixture. Cover and cook for 1 more hour then serve.
Frances motioned for adjournment and reminded all to post their Quilt History Thursday items to the group Facebook page.
Until next week, keep stitching!